Training Center 1

The Training Center 1 (CT1) was structured in March 2008 in the context of the CI Brasil Program (IC Brazil Program) of the Ministry of Science and Technology, aiming to arrange a physical space for the National Program of Integrated Circuits Designers Training to happen.

For the CT1 deployment, it was used as basis for physical infrastructure provided by the Instituto de Informática (Informatics Institute) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, with the support of Cadence Design Systems and NSCAD Microeletrônica. The CT1 operation and infrastructure arrangements were got by FINEP financing.

Currently, CT1 is managed by NSCAD which there are 17 certified instructors, and also outsourced instructors. The physical space has three labs and an auditorium, using more than 220m², equipped with multimedia projectors and 100 workstations.

Nowadays, CT1 is a South American reference in teaching quality, support and infrastructure environments project for integrated circuits.